Thursday, December 14, 2006

Things come in threes....

I've known for some time that most things happen in threes and low and behold....
My Grandma had a small heart attack in early November, she was in the hospital for about a week, the week that I was originaly going to go and visit her (she lives in Oregon), my mom went with my youngest sister to visit my middle sister in Utah. They had only been there for a few hours when my mom took a tumble down my sisters stairs. She not only broke the same ankle that she had broke about twently years ago, she also dislocated it. She is back home and has been for a while, although she is stuck in a wheel chair until sometime in January. Then I got a phone call the other day from my mom about my Grandma (the same one from before), she is back in the hospital for tests.... she's been having chest pains and they want to know why. Not only that though, but my dad fell and broke his hip, he lives in Florida so the likelyhood of anyone seeing him is slim to none...... but dang, when it rains it pours as the saying goes.
I just hope that that's the end of this run of luck for now. And am glad that it didn't effect my kids or my hubby or even I and that my mom's not that serious..... I just hope that things with my Grandma get resolved in her favor, I'm not ready to loose her......


Blogger The Beeler Family said...

Wow, you have had a LOT going on! I hope everyone heals quickly & completely & that you Grandma isn't having any serious problems. let us know how they all are! :o)

1:52 PM  

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